Zen In The Community
Over the past few years, The Zen Agency is committed to helping the local Glasgow communities by supporting local charities, supporting local businesses through our CSR campaigns and driving social engagement.

Through out the calendar year, The Zen Agency hosts a number of projects and initiatives to help support local businesses and fundraise local charities. Last year, we gave local Glasgow businesses the chance to enhance their digital footprint by offering them free videography for their online channels.
December's Projects
During December, the agency donated to charities close to our hearts. We donated to Glasgow foodbanks via The Trussell Trust and Diabetes UK.
Both charities do amazing work with the Trussell Trust providing 1.3 million meals across the UK with 31 Glasgow foodbanks benefiting, whilst Diabetes UK fundraised £66 million to go towards diabetes research. As a Glasgow based marketing agency, we felt it was right to play our part to help tackle the cost of living crisis. Whereas, Diabetes UK has helped our Managing Director, Alan, over his Diabetic journey.
You can donate to Glasgow foodbanks here - http://bit.ly/3iEoT6U
You can donate to Diabetes UK here - https://bit.ly/3vWrMTC
You can stay up-to-date on all of our CSR and fundraising campaigns by following us on LinkedIn.