How important is email marketing?
How important is email marketing? No matter our client, when we first sit down to create and develop strategies with our clients, we often get asked where to start with email marketing. Our first question back, is always, what would you like to achieve?

How important is email marketing? No matter our client, when we first sit down to create and develop strategies with our clients, we often get asked where to start with email marketing. Our first question back, is always, what would you like to achieve?
The first step when creating and developing an email marketing strategy is to understand your goals. It can be easy to jump straight in and start sending email campaigns without fully understanding your achievements or the implications it can also cause.
Step 1 is understand who you can target. Our clients often forgot that just because you hold email addresses for customers, it does not mean you are allowed to contact them due to GDPR.
Once you have your data pulled and you have been given the correct permission to contact, it's time to segment your audience. Segmenting your audience increases relevance, mail opens and personalisation based on your message.
User your CRM. Or if you don't have a CRM, let The Zen Agency build your CRM. When developing email campaigns and sending content out regularly, there is no question about whether you need a CRM tool - trust us! It will help manage contacts, distribution lists, campaigns and provide you with the results you need to see your success.
You're not 100% sure if you want to invest in email marketing yet? Well, here are some of the reasons that it can benefit your digital strategy:
Customer outreach
It provides a better chance of your campaign or brand message being seen. Compared to paid social media ads, there's no question on if your customers have seen it, just when. It provides you the opportunity to get into existing and new customer mail inboxes for them to then engage at a time suitable for them
Creating personalized content
Send personalised messages to your audience to help build and maintain your relationship. It's a known fact that consumers are more likely to engage with your email campaign if and when you send personalised information tailored to their interest.
Generate website traffic
From your email campaign, divert traffic back to your website for your consumer to browse, reserve or even buy from your website. Providing backlinks to your website will then help with overall SEO.
Email marketing is one of the top ways to reach your audience. Plus, it can also improve sales and leads. Since this is still the place where people want to receive information, let's just say that email marketing isn't dead.